I will be participating in the next POLLEN conference, which will take place concurrently in Lima, Dodoma and Lund on 10-14 June 2024 in a joint panel with Matthew Archer where we try to conceive of more just agri-food supply chains. In the panel we’ll bring my recent monograph The Natural Border (Cornell 2024) in conversation with Matthew’s book Unsustainable (NY Press 2024), which offers a behind-the-scenes look at how corporate and financial actors enforce a business-friendly approach to global sustainability, a concept which – as the book argues – confuses measuring social and environmental impacts of industrial growth with a just and equitable governance of these impacts.
In addition, I will also be participating in a roundtable on global resource governance and agrarian labour (re)production, with Muriel Côte, Vanessa Jaiteh, Alin Kadfak and Diana Vela Almeida. In this panel, we will discuss how current efforts of resource supply chain governance across different agri-food supply chains land on the ground and reconfigure labour dynamics and reproduction.
Have a look at the detailed programme and details here